Church Leaders

Pr. Kristin Ostercamp
Pastor Kristin has a Master of Divinity from Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN, and a Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communication from Minnesota State University-Moorhead. She is also a proud graduate of Northland College right here in Thief River Falls! Pastor Kristin was ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament in 2005.
She has a passion for preaching and worship leadership. She is committed to leading us in keeping the promises we make when children are Baptized: to faithfully bring our children to the services of God’s house, and teach them the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments. As they grow in years, we are called to place the Holy Scriptures in their hands and provide for their instruction in the Christian faith, that living in the covenant in their Baptism and in communion with the Church, they may lead godly lives unto the day of Jesus Christ.
Linda Hamrick
Darlene Wiseth, RN, CNOR

Tiffany Sterry
Zion has an active and dedicated music ministry.
If you are interested in sharing your musical gifts, reach out to the church office or one of the choir directors.

Laura Rude

Melissa Borgen

Marie Longo
Funeral Coordinator:
- Patty Schob
Wedding Coordinators:
- Sandy Fladeland
- Sally Mumm
- Sandy Lubitz
Church Council
Oversees the whole work of the congregation in ensuring the witness of the congregation fulfills its mission in the world.
- President – Diane Lee
- 1st VP – Millie Reierson
- 2nd VP – Robert Fay
- Secretary – Becky Fredrickson
- Treasurer – Renae Franke
Board Chairs
- Christian Education/Youth – Mike Flaagan
- Church Properties – Joel Rude
- Lay Ministry/Evangelism – Deb Holtan
- Parish Fellowship – Glenice Johnson
- Parish Health – Patty Schob
- Public Relations – Lora Rantanen & Mary Berzinski
- WELCA – Kaylynn Wold
- Worship / New Traditions – Deb Fulton
Christian Education & Youth
Promotes faith formation for the children and youth in the congregation. Facilitates Sunday School, Confirmation and youth activities.
Church Properties
Maintains church properties and equipment.
Evangelism & Lay Ministry
Encourages members to share the message of Christ with one another through adult education, coffee/fellowship time, special dinners, etc. Welcomes new members and assists with home communion and visitation
Parish Fellowship
Celebrates gatherings of the congregation and leads Sharing Servants who usher, greet, and serve fellowship opportunities. The Board also provide care for families as they help with meals at funerals.
Public Relations
Works to ensure radio and television broadcasts. Manages the church website and Zion’s Facebook page, monthly newsletter,and shares information with the TRF Times. Maintains church archives and organizes and publishes the church directory.
Ensures worship praises God and helps us to live out our mission in creative ways. They are responsible for seasonal decorations and recruit lay readers, communion assistants, and acolytes for worship services.The Worship Board manages the wedding and funeral policies at Zion.
Parish Health
Presents a“holistic” approach to the health needs of the congregation, embracing the health of the Body, Mind, and Spirit.Reaches out to home-bound and nursing home residents with phone and personal visits and monthly holy communion. Provides in-church blood pressure screening.

Contact Us
Worship with Us
@ Zion
Sundays: 9:00 am
Sunday School: 10:00 am (Sept – May)
@ Home
Livestream: Facebook
Radio: KTRF 1230 at 9:00 am
TV: Sjobergs Channel 3 at 9:00 am
TV: Garden Valley Channel 37 at Noon
@ Silver Creek
22379 170th Ave NE
Thief River Falls, MN
11:00 am (Sept – May)
10:30 am (Memorial Day – Labor Day)